Eons | You're Living On An Ant Planet | Season 6 | Episode 5

July 2024 · 8 minute read

Wednesday, October 11th is National  Fossil Day and I’m excited to announce   we’ll be celebrating with another Eons livestream!

This year, we'll be playing a game called  "Wheel of Deep Time" and I wish I could tell   you all about it but our producers have refused  to share a single detail with any of the hosts.

So it sounds like we’ll be learning  the game alongside you all!

Join me, Michelle, Blake, and  the newest member of our team   for an hour of fun - right here on  YouTube on Wednesday, October 11th.

Around 93 million years ago, in what's now  New Jersey, an ancient ant named Kyromyrma   neffi made its way across a forest floor, hunting  for prey to bring back to its underground nest.

Suddenly, it found itself caught in a blob of   sticky resin released from the  branch of a conifer tree above.

What was terrible luck for this ant turned  out to be incredible luck for paleontologists,   who, millions of years later, found it  almost perfectly preserved in amber.

Kyromyrma is the oldest known ant that belongs  to a modern subfamily that’s still around,   an ancient relative of ants  that rule the world today.

But in Kyromyrma’s day, ants weren’t especially  common or diverse compared to other insects.

They make up less than 1% of insects  found in amber from the Cretaceous Period,   and they only lived on the  ground and nested in the soil   of humid forests.

They weren’t found in  drier and more open environments…yet.

But in the Cenozoic era, they make up  a staggering 40% of insects in amber,   and today they number in the quadrillions.

They’re found in almost every  habitat on Earth - from tree   canopies to open grasslands to arid deserts.

So how did they do it?

How  did ants take over the world?

Well, it looks like ants didn’t achieve  world domination all by themselves… They may have just been riding the wave of a  totally different type of evolutionary explosion.

The story of the rise of ants began around  140 million years ago, sometime around the   Early Cretaceous, when an ancient species  of wasp underwent a pretty momentous change.

It lost its permanent wings, kept its predatory  lifestyle, and adapted to life on and under the   forest floor.

This was the origin of  the family Formicidae, aka the ants.

Yup, that's right - ants are essentially  a family of flightless wasps.

And in the time since their origin in the  Mesozoic Era, they’ve radiated into more than   14,000 known species across 16  living and 5 extinct subfamilies.

There’s probably more species of them around  today than all mammals and birds combined.

And in some environments,  like the Amazon rainforest,   they likely outweigh those  vertebrates by total biomass, too.

So, what turned them from the ecological  side-characters that they’d been for tens   of millions of years into one of the most  numerous and diverse animal groups of all time?

Figuring out the mystery of their rise  to main character status has been tricky.

For a long time we just didn't  have enough Cretaceous ant   fossils to understand much about their early days.

Plus, their incredible modern diversity  meant that we struggled to even untangle   how living groups are related to one another.

But in 2005, two leading ant experts,  EO Wilson and Bert Hölldobler, proposed   the first overarching explanation for how ants  took over: the Dynastic Succession Hypothesis.

Such a grandiose title, I love it!

They predicted that the key to ants moving  beyond the forest floor was actually the rise   of another major group, one that began  revolutionizing terrestrial ecosystems   around the world in the Cretaceous:  flowering plants, aka angiosperms.

Much like ants, angiosperms are another  extremely diverse, major feature of nearly   all terrestrial habitats today.

They represent  around 90% of all living plant species.

But they too only began their rise in the   Cretaceous and established their  full dominance in the Cenozoic.

So, what if ants weren’t just diversifying  alongside angiosperms during this time,   but directly because of them?

The following year, in 2006, we found the first  good evidence in favor of this hypothesis.

A team of researchers produced the first  large-scale family tree of modern ants based   on genetic data.

It included DNA from 149 species,  covering almost every subfamily of living ants.

Using a molecular clock analysis, they calculated  when lineages diverged from one another,   which let them uncover patterns in  the group's evolutionary history.

This revealed that a wave of diversification  did take place across the family tree between   the late Cretaceous period and the early Eocene  epoch, closely tracking the rise of angiosperms.

The overall pattern was clear:  after flowering plants took off,   ant lineages all over the world  diversified in their wake.

But what was driving this pattern?

Well, the more diverse a group is,  the more data you need to collect   before you can start to really dig into  the details of that group’s evolution.

And both ants and angiosperms are,  well, just ridiculously diverse.

But in two papers in 2018 and 2023,  researchers were finally able to pull   together enough data to uncover  some major pieces of the puzzle.

They used an expanded family tree of over  1400 ant species, combining genetic and   fossil data with information on their key traits,  climate and habitat preferences, and lifestyles.

All that data allowed them to reconstruct  ants’ evolutionary history by working   backwards from today’s diversity, tracing  the history of particular traits and   lifestyles over time using a technique  called ancestral state reconstruction.

And they combined that with similar  data on the evolution of flowering   plants to establish the key sequence of events.

Starting in the Cretaceous, some ant lineages  began venturing upwards from the forest floor   to forage in the new, more complex tree canopies  of the increasingly angiosperm-dominated forests.

The gradual takeover of these forests  by flowering plants had bumped up the   moisture levels at greater heights.

This made the forest canopy more   hospitable to ants, as well as the  smaller arthropods that they hunted.

Multiple ant lineages began incorporating  plant-based food sources into their diets too,   transitioning from strict carnivory to omnivory  and eventually to herbivory in some groups.

And many plants responded  by independently developing   specialized structures that kept the  ants hanging around.

This probably   happened because the ants helped ward off  more destructive pests and herbivores.

These structures took the form of what are called  extrafloral nectaries - little sugar fountains   seen in over 4000 modern plant species, which  they offer to ants in exchange for protection.

Over time, some lineages that foraged in the trees   began to move their entire nests from  the ground up into the canopy itself.

The first lineages to make the switch to arboreal   nesting did so right as the Cretaceous  gave way to the Paleogene Period.

And as ants moved into entirely new niches  within forests, thanks to the explosion   of angiosperms, competition between  coexisting ant species was reduced.

This let ants rapidly diversify  and increase in abundance.

So many ants were now running around the forests,  and spending time on and around angiosperms,   that the plants developed another way  to make the most of the situation,   using this new abundance of ants  to help disperse their seeds.

They developed elaiosomes, small fleshy  structures attached to their seeds.

These have convergently evolved  over and over again in flowering   plants from the end of the Cretaceous  onwards, as more and more plants found   success using them to attract and recruit  ants to carry their seeds far and wide.

But this partnership didn’t stop there.

Just as angiosperms helped ants  expand to new niches within forests,   they also allowed ants to expand to niches  beyond forests for the first time, too.

Because as the Cretaceous  gave way to the Paleogene,   angiosperms spread and established entirely new  ecosystems in much drier and more open areas.

They formed the first grasslands, which spread  around the world in the Paleogene and Neogene Periods.

Some angiosperms also adapted to thrive  even in the driest of environments, like deserts.

And from sometime in the late Paleogene  onwards, many ant lineages on different   continents independently followed them out of the  forests and diversified in those new habitats.

Thanks to the habitat and food  provided by the angiosperms,   the ants adapted to thrive in environments they  might never have been able to spread to alone.

So, while it may feel like we live  in a world full of ants today,   that's only because they themselves are  living in a world full of angiosperms.

And without the flower power that  fueled their rise and spread,   they might have forever remained as obscure,  uncommon predators of the forest floor.

But, being among nature’s most  impressive ecological opportunists,   they hitched their evolutionary fate  to another absurdly successful group,   and forged a relationship that would  change them, and the world, forever.

Rocks are cool.

This is one thing  I think all of us can agree on,   at least all of us over here at Eons.

Well, our friends over at SciShow also think  rocks are cool and have a very exciting,   rock-related announcement in the works that  they will tell you all about on October 2nd.

So if you like rocks, and we know that you do,   head on over to youtube.com/scishow on October  2nd for something that totally ….


We’d like to thank Dr. Corrie Moreau,  Moser Endowed Professor and Curator   at Cornell University who lent  her expertise to this episode.

Also thanks to this month’s  import-ANT Eontologists!

Jake Hart, Raphael Haase, Annie  & Eric Higgins, John Davison Ng,   Melanie Lam Carnevale, Addie, and Tony Dai.

Become an Eonite at patreon.com/eons to  get fun perks like submitting a joke for   me to read!

Like this one from Claire.

Why didn't my mom want me talking to  modern dinosaurs?

She didn't  want me using fowl language.

Fowl language?

Like a chicken?

Because birds are modern dinosaurs?

And as always thanks for joining me  in the Adam Lowe studio.

Subscribe at   youtube.com/eons for more journeys in deep time.

And in some environments,  like the Amazon rainforest,   they likely outweigh those  vertebrates by total biomass, too.


So gross...
