Horns belong to the bovids: animals such as sheep, goats, cows, and bison. Antlers belong to the cervids. That includes all deer, elk, moose and caribou (or reindeer).Click to see full answer. Herein, what animal have horns?Deer and relatives of the deer, like the moose, have antlers; goats and antelope and relatives of the cow have horns.Furthermore, do Antelope have antlers or horns? Horns are structurally different from antlers and are permanent (they do not fall off and regrow like antlers). In antelope, cattle, goats, sheep and other members of the family Bovidae, males have horns, and in many species females also have horns. Horns consist of a bony core covered by a keratin sheath. Accordingly, are horns and antlers the same? So, now you know the difference between antlers and horns. Antlers are found on cervids, are made of bone, are typically branched, and are shed every year. Horns are found on bovids, are made of a bony core with a keratin sheath, are not branched and are a permanent part of the animal.Do Buffalo have antlers or horns?They are true bone, are a single structure, and, generally, are found only on males. Horns—found on pronghorn, bighorn sheep, and bison—are a two-part structure. Antlers are shed and regrown yearly while horns are never shed and continue to grow throughout an animal’s life.